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Birthing Emergence

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

In this 26 Sep 2020 event, I was fortunate to have facilitated "emergence" for a beautiful group of overseas women. By emergence, I mean whatever they were seeking to birth, what desire or passion that has already arisen without shape or form, or a specific project that they have already received an impression but the way forward is still unclear. These are professional women in their unique stages of self-actualization.

By creating a safe virtual space and through music and guided imagery using five senses, the group was brought through increasingly deepening 5-part Dance Movement Therapy dynamics, mindfully exploring with interoceptive awareness their body movements and introspective reflections.

Each shared how they were informed by their own movements, artworks and impressions they gained. There were healing tears, embodied self-assurances about the way forward, empowering messages they tell themselves, fond memories, feelings of connectedness to each other, identifying with resonance another's experience, etc. During group sharing, two ladies described how when they converged their expanded emergence, it became compressed into a spot which shone powerfully from their hearts. One of them added decidedly, "That's the way forward!" Days after this retreat, it occurred to me that the convergence pointed to the concept of the embodied Divine immanence within each one of us, seeking to evolve!

It was a beautiful time, a great way to end the exhausting day for some of them in a different timezone from me. Some felt refreshed and more alive in the senses. That's quite normal with this kind of work. Someone touched her artwork on my prompting, and instantly a memory popped up. Magical.

Many months later, one of the participants wrote to me. Remember I got nothing out of my artwork, while others did, she said? Well, it finally dawned on her what her unconscious was trying to tell her. Something profound ... and forbidden. Deep tears and healing.

This is why I trust the process, even though I never know what's going to happen during facilitation, or nothing seems to happen. Body signals take time to rise to consciousness because they are biologically unmyelinated. And especially if hidden beneath layers of safe coverings.

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